Beautiful Nuthatch

Beautiful Nuthatch
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sittidae
Genus: Sitta
Species: S. formosa
Binomial name
Sitta formosa
Blyth, 1843

The Beautiful Nuthatch (Sitta formosa) is one of the rarest nuthatches on Earth. It occurs in north east India and neighbouring regions, with odd records across to Thailand, where it may be a winter visitor or resident.

This is a large nuthatch, black-backed with white streaking. The upper back, rump and shoulders are bright blue. The underparts are dull orange, although the face is somewhat paler. In flight, a white patch contrasts with the otherwise dark underwing. Sexes are similar, as are young birds.

It forages for insects in high trees in dense forest, and this always rare species has been adversely affected by woodland clearance. Its rarity, retiring habits, and the political and geographical inaccessibility of its range mean that this species is little known.


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